History of Boone County Merrick County & Nance County in Nebraska
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Early days in
the tri-county area of Boone, Merrick and Nance, NE, are
recalled through colorful tales, factual data and individual biographies in this NEW 38-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book:
History of the State of Nebraska
, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and
Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State
, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover.
Among the topics included are:
BOONE COUNTY: Location and natural features, agriculture, water power, communication, county schools, political organization, the Burlington & Missouri War, County officers, Early history, Indian scares, Albion -- history, schools, churches, societies, newspapers, hotels, business, St. Edward -- history, local institutions, Cedar Rapids.
MERRICK COUNTY: Description of area, Early history, Crimes and casualties, a list of "firsts", county organization, a list of the first 27 voters in the county, First court case, Grasshopper invasion, communication, schools, Central City -- churches, newspapers, societies, banks, mills, Clark's-- history, churches, Silver Creek -- history, church, Chapman -- history, businesses.
NANCE COUNTY: Natural features, boundaries, resources, early settlements, county organization; schools, communication, Fullerton -- history, schools, churches, newspapers, societies, business interests, Genoa --history, schools, churches, newspapers, societies, business interests.
Biographical sketches include:
-- James S. Armstrong, Manly B. Boardman, Samuel P. Bollman, D.F. bothwell, Bronson & Hamilton, Dr. George E. Brown, Loran Clark & Co., Luther Clark, Loran Clark (pix), Rev. A.A. Cressman, Will B. Daniels, C.F. Deffenderfer Joseph Hamilton, Rev. J.A. Hungate, Dr. D.A. Lewis (pix), Mann & Peck, John G. Mackay, Thompson F. Martin, W.A. Mears, W.J. Nelson (pix), C.A. Oblinger, John Peters, Hiram Rice, J. Watson Riley, Dr. James Russell, F.M. Sacket, Dr. J. Henry Smith, F.B. Tiffany;
Beaver Precinct
-- Joel Berry, Edward Dwyer, Capt. Robert Hardy, Rittel & Laudeman, M.J. Thompson, Capt. Alexander Voorhees;
Cedar Rapids
-- Dr. E.A. Guillemot;
Cedar Precinct
-- F.P. Andrews, George W. Brown, Dennis Tracy, Joseph Wysong; Plum Creek Precinct -- H.F. Snider & Co.;
Boone Precinct
-- B.K. Smith.
Central City
-- E.B. Aldrich, Nelson Barnes, J.T. Biggs, E. Bockes, J.G. Brewer, D.W. Brinkerhoff, F.A. Craig, Otto Foster, E. Hanson, C. Hostetter, H.B. Millard, Joseph N. Osterlind, N.R. Persinger (pix), Harrison W. Persons, J.R. Ratcliff, Q. B. Skinner, C.A. Stitzer, I.S. Tyndale, James Vieregg, W.H. Webster, S.C. Wheeler, Dr. J.B. Whittaker;
-- George C. Agnew, George Foster, F. George Sr., A.A. Honey, R.T. Maxwell, W.R. Morse, Davis Richardson, M.T. Rowland, Major F. Sweet;
Silver Creek
-- Crawford & James, L.K. Hills;
-- J.J. Gallogly, D.L. Greiner, A. L. Havens, H.H. Goodwin, John L. Martin, Dr. J.E. Morrill.
-- Friend J. Brown, Thea F. Elliott, O.D. Fitch, I. R. Fuller, S.J. Harmon, N.C. Judson, M.S. Lindsay, George D. Meiklejohn, J.N. Reynolds, S.L. Sturtevant, James W. Zibbell;
-- Dr. C.S. Barnes, L.F. Ellis, H.P. Smith, D.A. Willard.
The final part of the booklet is excerpted from
Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State
. It includes a separate section on the city of Norfolk with a map and eight points of interest.
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